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Rime Arodaky

Rime Arodaky - Joni Swiss-dot Tulle And Crepe Gown - White

  • $3,033.00 USD


Frenchwoman Rime Arodaky is part of a cool new generation of designers breaking away from traditional bridal dresses. The plunging bodice of this 'Joni' gown is made from Swiss-dot tulle - a layer of it also falls behind the split in the white crepe skirt so you won't need to worry about revealing too much skin. The long, flared cuffs will draw the eye to your beautiful wedding ring, too. Shown here with: [Jimmy Choo Clutch id1055811], [Gianvito Rossi Sandals id1049387], [Repossi Earrings id1091298].

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