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Chocolate Covered Company

Deluxe Chocolate Covered Gift Tower

  • $78.00 USD


Artisan crafted Belgian chocolate covered treats created in a small batch kitchen. 12 OREO Cookies covered in dark, milk, and white Belgian chocolate then hand-decorated in a variety of harvest nuts or fancy candies. 21 mini pretzel sticks hand-dipped in dark, milk, and white Belgian chocolate then hand-decorated in a variety of harvest nuts or fancy candies. Six marshmallow pops hand-dipped in dark, milk, and Belgian chocolate then hand-decorated in a variety of harvest nuts or fancy candies.

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Available packaging LOLDuis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit
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Weight dolor sit amet
Sunt in culpa qui Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Product # Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Available packaging LOLDuis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit
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